1 Setting up Database Connection

EDI Exchange work is based on the database connection that you define under Database arrow Connection and Data Fields in the main menu of the HIPAA host application. Make sure the connection has already been set up and tested before proceeding with EDI Exchange.

Then proceed to the next step: Creating Database Tables.

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Creating Database Tables

Once you have configured the database connection (Setting up Database Connection), follow the instructions below.

1. Select EDI Exchange arrow Create EDI Exchange Tables in the main menu.

The menu item to create the necessary tables.
2. The "Create Tables for EDI_Exchange" screen will appear. Table creation and/or modification for your database is handled here.

The screen to create the tables
3. Select the database type you use for your host HIPAA application.
Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server 2008 and above)

Note: In case your database is not listed, modify the scripts or ask your database administrator to make the necessary modifications.

4. The following tables are part of EDI Exchange:
TradingPartner — SQL statements to create the "TradingPartner" table in your database. This table contains information about trading partners.
Trans_Log — SQL statements to create the "TRANS_LOG" table in your database. This table contains incoming file information, keeps track of all EDI files that you receive and the compliance check report.
Trans_Log_Errors — SQL statements to create the "TRANS_LOG_ERRORS" table in your database. This table collects the results of the compliance check and keeps track of all sent files.
Send_Log — SQL statements to create the "SEND_LOG" table in your database. The table contains information about EDI files created and sent to trading partners.
Company_Setup — SQL statements to create the "COMPANY_SETUP" table in your database. This table collects information about you, the sender of EDI information.
5. You can modify the scripts so that they run on your specific database. Once you have you modified the script, click "Save."

Tip: Every database system has their own little syntax idiosyncrasies and the scripts might require tweaking.  You can edit the table scripts in this screen and save your modified scripts. One example are 'date' and 'time' or 'money' data types that do not exist in SQL Server 2005. You can just rename those types to 'datetime' and save you script and it will run fine.

The "Save" button

6. For each script on every tab, click "Execute Script" to create the corresponding table in the database.

The "Execute Script" button

Notice: Creating tables means clicking the "Execute Script" button in all five tabs of the "Create Tables for EDI_Exchange" window. Then close this window.

7. Once the table has been created successfully, you will see the following notification:

The Create Table script success message

Warning: Double-execution of a script wipes out the previous table you have created. A prompt will warn you before deleting an existing table. To Add/Remove fields use the "Compare Script..." button. Remove the script files once you have created the tables so nobody can destroy the tables by accident.

The double-execution warning message.

Make sure there are no error messages and the table creation has been completed successfully.


Compare Script with existing Table

HIPAAsuite products go through continual development and improvements. Often these changes lead to new fields in the database. While it is easy to drop a table and regenerate it with the new fields, you will loose all the data in the table. To avoid this trouble there is the button "Compare Script with existing Table". I you click this, the table structure in your database will be compared with the script. There are two possible outcomes. Your table is up to date


Table is up to date

or if your table is missing recently added fields, you will see a window pop up that shows an 'Alter Table' script with which you can add those fields to the table without interfering with existing data.


The 'Alter Table' script that shows as a result of missing fields

You can now click the "Execute Script" button and the field will be added and a message will confirm your changes


Alter Table statement successfully executed.

Once you have created the tables, you can start setting up the other application options. See the next step: Defining Auto-Processing Options.

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2b Creating 999 File Tables

Once you have configured the database connection (Setting up Database Connection), follow the instructions below.

1. Select EDI Exchange arrow Create 999 Files Tables in the main menu.

The menu item to create the necessary tables

2. The "Create Tables for 999 Files" screen will appear. Table creation and/or modification for your database is handled here.

The screen to create the tables

3.Select the database type you use for your host HIPAA application.

Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server 2008 and above)

Note: In case your database is not listed, modify the scripts or ask your database administrator to make the necessary modifications.

1. The following tables are part of EDI Exchange:
ImplementationAck — SQL statements to create the "ImplementationAck" table in your database. This table contains information about Acknowledgments.
TransactionResponse — SQL statements to create the "TransactionResponse" table in your database. This table contains individual transactions contained in 999 files.
SegmentErrors — SQL statements to create the "SegmentErrors" table in your database. This table contains individual segments in error contained in 999 transactions.
ElementNotes — SQL statements to create the "ElementNotes" table in your database. The table contains the elements in error in a specific segment.
5. You can modify the scripts so that they run on your specific database. Once you have you modified the script, click "Save."

Tip: Every database system has their own little syntax idiosyncrasies and the scripts might require tweaking.  You can edit the table scripts in this screen and save your modified scripts. One example are 'date' and 'time' or 'money' data types that do not exist in SQL Server 2005. You can just rename those types to 'datetime' and save you script and it will run fine.

The "Save" button

6. For each script on every tab, click "Execute Script" to create the corresponding table in the database.

The "Execute Script" button

Notice: Creating tables means clicking the "Execute Script" button in all four tabs of the "Create Tables for 999 Files" window. Then close this window.

7. Once the table has been created successfully, you will see the following notification:

The Create Table script success message

Warning: Double-execution of a script wipes out the previous table you have created. A prompt will warn you before deleting an existing table. To Add/Remove fields use the "Compare Script..." button. Remove the script files once you have created the tables so nobody can destroy the tables by accident.

The double-execution warning message.

Make sure there are no error messages and the table creation has been completed successfully.


Compare Script with existing Table

HIPAAsuite products go through continual development and improvements. Often these changes lead to new fields in the database. While it is easy to drop a table and regenerate it with the new fields, you will loose all the data in the table. To avoid this trouble there is the button "Compare Script with existing Table". I you click this, the table structure in your database will be compared with the script. There are two possible outcomes. Your table is up to date


Table is up to date

or if your table is missing recently added fields, you will see a window pop up that shows an 'Alter Table' script with which you can add those fields to the table without interfering with existing data. In the latter case, you can click the "Execute Script" button and the field will be added and a message will confirm your changes


Alter Table statement successfully executed.

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2c Updating Database Tables

To update an existing table (in the event of an update, for example), follow the instructions below.

1. Start with the table creation script window of the table you want to update. In this example, we will use the Trading Partner table.45
The table creation script for the Trading Partner table.
2. In the case of modifying a table to include/exclude/change a field or fields required by a program update, the script will have been updated for you and clicking the Compare Script with existing Table button will bring you to the next step. To modify the table yourself in order to conform to your particular database, first edit the script text to suit your database system, click the Save button, then the Compare Script with existing Table button, and proceed to the next step.

Tip: Every database system has their own little syntax idiosyncrasies and the scripts might require tweaking.  You can edit the table scripts in this screen and save your modified scripts. One example are 'date' and 'time' or 'money' data types that do not exist in SQL Server 2005. You can just rename those types to 'datetime' and save you script and it will run fine.

3. Having clicked Compare Script with existing Table, the script will be compared to the existing table and any additional fields will be presented. In this example, the Trading Partner table's        Address fields will be added.

Changes to be made to Trading Partner table.

4. Click Execute Scipt. This will perform the additions/changes stated in the alter table script and a prompt will appear informing you of the change. The table has now been modified.

Table has been altered.

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3 Defining Auto-Processing Options

In the "Auto-Process Setup" you can instruct the program on what to do after analyzing and decrypting the received files in the Inbox Manager. The auto processing enables you to combine and run multiple fulfillment steps together (for example, export, saving, printing.) These options are important for the hand-over from EDI Exchange to the other HIPAAsuite program that hosts EDI Exchange.

Follow the instructions below to specify the Auto Process Options.

1. Select EDI Exchange arrow Autoprocess Setup in the main menu.

The "Autoprocess Setup" menu item
2. The following screen will appear if the host HIPAA application is Enrollment Master.

Defining the Auto Processing Options
3. The following options can be specified:

Check Path Options

Check FTP servers for new files — If checked, EDI Exchange automatically looks for new files for all trading partners that have FTP connection set up. Then the program gets all the waiting files and puts them into the Inbox. In the second step, it goes through every file.

Default Automatic Processing Options

Export in Database — If selected, the module exports new files to the database.
Print —  If selected, the module prints files using the selected printer.
Create Auto-Response —  If selected, the module creates an auto-response to the received files.
Save to — If selected, the system automatically saves files as:
4. Click "Save."

The "Save" button

Once you have saved the auto-processing options, the files will not only be analyzed but also processed according to the defined settings. Proceed to the next step: Defining Communications Directory.

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4 Defining Communications Directory

EDI file directory is an obligatory setting you need to set up before starting using the EDI Exchange. In order to keep track of the thousands of EDI files that accumulate over time, EDI Exchange uses a folder structure which we call the "HIPAAsuite Communications Directory" or "HIPAAsuiteCommDir" in short. In it, you will find all your EDI files sorted into several categories:


Within these directories, there will be folders for each Trading Partner and type of transaction. The location and names of the sub-folders are handled in the "Trading Partner Setup." See Setting up Trading Partners.

Follow the instructions below to specify EDI communications root directory.

1. Select "EDI Exchange Setup" under the "EDI Exchange" menu item.

The "EDI Exchange Setup" menu item
2. The following window will appear.

The "EDI Exchange Setup" window

Note: The icon in the lower left corner indicates that EDI Exchange has not been initialized yet.

3. Under "EDI Exchange Directory Setup" specify the following setting:

Root Directory Path — Define the root path in the "Root Directory Path" text field. The root path is the folder where all your EDI files reside. EDI Exchange will later create sub-directories required to operate. 

The root communications directory setup
4. Click "Save."

The "Save" button

After setting the root directory, you can click the "Initialize EDI Exchange" button. Read more in Initializing EDI Exchange.

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5 Initializing EDI Exchange

Before you can use EDI Exchange, and after you have configured the obligatory settings, you have to perform the initialization. Follow the instructions below.

1. Select "EDI Exchange Setup" under the "EDI Exchange" menu item.

The "EDI Exchange Setup" menu item
2. The following window will appear.

The "EDI Exchange Setup" window

Note: The icon in the lower left corner, indicating that EDI Exchange has not been initialized yet.

3. After setting the root directory (see the previous step Defining Communications Directory), you can initialize EDI Exchange module. Click the "Initialize EDI Exchange" button to accomplish the process.

The "Initialize EDI Exchange" button

Once the "Initialize EDI Exchange" button is clicked, the system checks if all settings have been configured correctly.

1. The first thing the initialization process checks is the connection to the database and the presence of the necessary tables. EDI Exchange relies on the database connection that is part of the HIPAAsuite application that you are using. EDI Exchange needs Database Connectivity licensed and enabled. If this part is not yet set up, then you will get an error like this:

Initialization failed because of SQL connection problems

Read more in Setting up Database Connection.
2. Once the connection is established, the program checks if the correct tables exist in the database. See Creating Database Tables. Once the SQL part checks out, you will see the following message.

Checking SQL settings and tables:

         Connection settings are checked. Trading Partners table is checked.

         TRANS_LOG table is checked.

         TRANS_LOG_ERRORS table is checked.

         SEND_LOG table is checked.


3. The next step of the initialization processes — the program checks and, if necessary, creates the root directory and five sub-directories. Within these root directories, there will be folders for each Trading Partner and type of transactions. The location and names of the sub-folders are handled in the "Trading Partner" setup. The root folder is specified via the "EDI Exchange Setup" screen. Read more in Defining Root Directory.

The sub-directories that EDI Exchange creates are as follows:

EDI Exchange 5 folders
The directory structure of EDI Exchange
4. The next step of the initialization — the program checks if the HIPAA EDI compliance engine is properly installed.
5. The last thing checked by the system is if the Automatic File Processing options have been set up. Read more in Defining Auto-Processing Options. The options are important for the hand over from EDI Exchange to the other HIPAAsuite program that hosts EDI Exchange.


Once all verifications have been completed successfully, you will see the following message:

Processing results_success
Successful initialization of EDI Exchange

After that your EDI Exchange is initialized.

edi exchange setup_initialized
The "EDI Exchange is successfully initialized" message on the bottom of the "EDI Exchange Setup" window


Troubleshooting Initialization

When you are going through the Initialization process of the EDI Exchange, you can encounter the following message in the "Processing Results" window:

Checking for EDIDev:

EDIDev is not installed!

EdiDev is not installed
The EdiDev component is not installed

To resolve this issue, do the following.

1. Go to the http://www.edidev.com/ediregis.htm site.
2. Some systems may require Microsoft Redistributable Package to be installed first. In this case, download one of the following components according to your OS' bit depth.

Visual C ++
3. Download one of the following components you need according to your OS' bit depth:
Framework EDI Enterprise evaluation 32-bit
Framework EDI Professional evaluation 64-bit
4. Install downloaded components and start again the EDI Exchange initialization procedure.

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Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.