Reporting an Issue

HIPAAsuite likes to make bug fixes fast and transparent. For this purpose we include n Bug tracker with the HIPAA Eligibility Responder. btnet, Bugtracker in ASP.Net is an open source project. HIPAAsuite implemented Bugtracker.Net in all its products to track bugs and enhancements. One of the reason we liked btnet was the screen capture capabilities. We adapted and included this facility.

1. You can reach the Issue Tracker under the Help menu. Click on Help arrow Report an Issue in the main menu. 

The "Report an Issue" menu

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl + I shortcut on your keyboard to call the Issue Tracker. Some screens do not give you access to the menu while they are open, but the key combination Crtl + I will call up the issue tracker report screen.
2. Click on "Capture" to snap a picture of your screen.

The "Capture" button
3. Using the mouse, select the area to make a screen-shot of and to attach to the bug report.

Selecting the area
4. Once you release the mouse button, the screen capture image appears in the program. 

You can enhance your screen shot with drawings. By pressing any key and holding down the mouse while over the canvas, you can highlight in yellow, free draw in red or make red arrows.

You can highlight sections as shown further.

High lighting a section

You can draw circles as displayed on the following screen-shot.

Circling a section

You can point arrows to pinpoint your concerns.

Drawing an arrow
5. Then enter as much information into the Description field as possible.
6. Now enter your email address so that we can get in contact with you.
7. Indicate whether this is a new bug or a follow up on an existing issue.
8. Then click on "Send."
9. Once the bug information has been submitted successfully, you will receive a notification. Click "OK."
10. Then you will get updates on the issue by email.

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