Provider, Patient and Payer Tables

Provider, Patient and Payer Tables

Filling in provider, patient, and payer details multiple times is a repetitive task that can be alleviated by storing the relevant entity in a table for later retrieval. For example, entering a provider's ID number will suggest a stored provider to select from and automatically fill the remaining fields in the provider form with the relevant data. To create the provider, patient or payer tables follow these steps:


1. Click Claim Entry/Edit arrow Create Tables for Entities

Create tables for entities menu
2. This opens the Create SQL Tables window. Here you can create the StoredPatient, StoredProvider, and StoredPayer tables. Check the appropriate database is selected and click Execute Script to create a table. If the table has been changed in a new release, clicking Compare Script with existing table will create a script to adjust the table. Changes to database tables do not occur often.

Create SQL Tables window
3. Click Execute Script. A new table will be created.
Table creation success

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